Tidy Your Tackroom with Selma Sparetack

Find and sell spare or unused saddlery items easily in Tonbridge, Kent. Browse our selection or list your own items for sale. Collection available by appointment.

Featured Products

Explore our selection of high-quality saddlery items available for sale. Each product is meticulously described to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

Luxury Leather Saddle

Beautifully crafted, barely used saddle in pristine condition. Suitable for all disciplines.


Riding Boots Bundle

Complete set of leather riding boots in various sizes. Perfect for riders of all levels.


Elegant Bridle Set

Stylish bridle set with intricate detailing. Ideal for both training and competitions.


Comfortable Girth Strap

Soft and durable girth strap for maximum horse comfort. Available in different sizes.


Your Tackroom Solution

At Selma Sparetack, we cater to the equestrian community by providing a platform to sell spare or unused saddlery items. Our passion for maintaining a tidy and functional tackroom led us to create a haven for second-hand tack sales. We understand the joy of finding the perfect item, but often reality sets in, and it goes unused. Located in Tonbridge, Kent, we offer a range of items with detailed photos and measurements. Every purchase supports a sustainable equestrian lifestyle. Welcome to your one-stop tackroom solution.

Why Choose Selma Sparetack

Find out why Selma Sparetack is the ideal platform for selling spare saddlery.

Convenient Location

Located in Tonbridge, Kent for easy collection of your items.

Detailed Listings

Comprehensive photos and measurements provided for each item listed.

Personal Service

Private sales with a focus on customer satisfaction and clear communication.

Happy Customers Speak

See what our customers have to say about Selma Sparetack.
Emily W.
Excellent service and quality items. Will shop here again!
James T.
Great place to find bargains. Highly recommended for horse lovers.
Sophie L.
Selling my spare tack here was so easy and hassle-free.

Get in Touch with Selma Sparetack

For any inquiries or to arrange a collection, contact us at selma-sparetack@outlook.com. Appointment needed for collections!


+1 234 567 8910


Sun: Closed, Mon-Fri: 8 am-6 pm, Sat: 10 am-4 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common queries about Selma Sparetack, spare saddlery items, and the sales process.

What items can I advertise on Selma Sparetack?

You can advertise spare or unused saddlery items, such as saddles, bridles, and stirrups, on Selma Sparetack to keep your tackroom tidy and functional.

Can I request additional photos of listed items?

Yes, you can request more photos of any listed item on Selma Sparetack to better understand its condition and fit before making a purchase.

Is collection available for items sold on Selma Sparetack?

Yes, you can collect any purchased item (by appointment) from Tonbridge in Kent to make the process more convenient for you.

What is the return policy for items purchased on Selma Sparetack?

All items on Selma Sparetack are sold on a non-returnable/non-refundable basis, so please ensure to ask for all necessary photos and details regarding fit before making a purchase.

Join Our Second Hand Tack Sale!

Browse through our selection of spare or unused saddlery items. Sell your unwanted items with us and find new treasures for your tackroom. Contact us today for more information.
As this is a personal website there may be time when there isn't much listed but please do visit us now and then to see if we have anything new, If I am planning a major tidy up and clear out I will pop a message out on the horsey facebook pages so please do keep an eye out!